Don't panic. Try hard to have fun _  


Once upon a time, there were five crazy women who decided to learn how to code in just three months. Becoming an “adalaber” was the mutual goal and they were very determined to accomplish it… but after the first few days, they realized that craziness is better when you share it, especially with a group filled with humour and willingness… And that's how the “ada: inherit;” team was born.

If you want to know how the story ends, you'll have to wait until the next edition!

about us

Annia da Costa

Annia da Costa

I believe in enjoying the road because the goal can change constantly and it challenges you every day; my college had a lema: “Aim to the stars so you get to the moon”. I really love to travel, to read and I'm always searching to learn something new every day.

Saray Fernández

Saray Fernández

Criminologist. I am good at finding the cause-effect relationship of stuff. Tireless learner. Currently exploring new ways to reinvent myself. Somebody once said, “If a oportunity doesn’t knock, build a door”. Let’s code doors.

Elvira Fuente

Elvira Fuente

I love cardboard, glitch effects and typography. I am a little geek on vegan cuisine as well.

My two main goals are: first, being a kind and compassionate person. Second, use creative thinking on my personal and professional path.

Irene Fuente
Irene Fuente

I love maths, music and “roscón de reyes”. I hate rushing, Disney's happy ends and the concept of normality. I like spiritual life and I believe in karma but my true god is Google. I want to use technology to create projects which help people to learn things.

Carmen Torrecillas

Carmen Torrecillas

Wine-lover trained as an architect. Always find myself between the boundaries (creatively, physically). Sort of freak, I’m passionate about #dataviz, #maps and #parametric design.

I love challenges... that’s why I’m here learning to code!